08 March 2009

Pamper-Me Sunday

Every once in a while, we all seek some time for ourselves and try to get some much needed pampering - but I recognize that I am not all that happy-go-spending; throwing my money to the next spa salon I see, especially during this economic downturn. Trying to experiment, I bought myself Melissa Pinzana-Cruz' "The Home Spa" (from Powerbooks), an interesting book where she lists down several recipes using some of our common, natural ingredients - sure to be found in many of our kitchens.

I've decided to try a new recipe every week - dubbing every Sunday, a "Pamper-Me Sunday", starting today. So what did I do to myself today? I tried out three home-made spa recipes namely: Sugar Foot Scrub, Egg Yolk Hair treatment and Egg and Honey Mask. Dimming my room, I laid an old towel on the floor and one on the bed and prepared all the stuff I needed. I then popped my Cool Sexy Jazz CD into my laptop and had it begin playing some nice soothing music. Let the pampering commence..

The foot scrub is a simple combination of sugar and baby oil, which I used to rub and scrub my footskies, after which I washed the mixture off then pat dried my feet. It left my two feet soft and smooth.

Although the recipe for the Egg and Honey mask is meant only for the face, the quantity was much more that I even got to coat my whole body with the mixture. I lied down on the towel I placed on my bed and waited for fifteen minutes. As expected the mask was very sticky that I couldn't wait to get to the shower after my timer began ringing. Honey, as you all should know, is known to have healing abilities, not to mention a popular humectant.

I got into the shower and washed off the Egg and Honey mask only to apply the Egg Yolk hair treatment - a mixture of egg yolk, shampoo and water. Left it on for five minutes before rinsing.

Generally, I'm pretty happy with today's little feat although I am not sure if I did the recipes correctly or if it would have a substantial effect on me, but what I liked most is the feeling of being pretty after all that quote and quote, pampering. Sure left me a little tired though, think I'd like to lie down now and get some sleep. :D

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